In aid of Bassetlaw Special Care Baby Unit
Amount raised: £1441
Running total to date: £21122
Anyone who attends our events regularly knows by now that we like to support local causes and organisations so that we know exactly where and how our fundraising monies are being used.
This was the case with Bassetlaw Special Care Baby Unit where we knew of two families who had been involved with this department.
It can be a traumatic time if you have to be parted from your baby in hospital so a photo can be a great comfort - SCBU were looking to replace their camera with a new digital one so we were happy to help with this.
blown up and the tables looked lovely dressed with the pastel colours. Katy spent ages folding the napkins into exotic shapes (who was to know that her Saturday job waiting on in a restaurant would prove to be so useful?!) - but has never offered to do it again as she got fed up with having to do so many! We even had teddy bear confetti shapes which Julie had lovingly spent hours cutting out! (Not individually you understand but with a shape cutter...)
They are very organised and always have a table plan so we know where to direct people to if Beechy is not meeting and greeting at the door.
There were more smaller bears on a table in the entrance foyer and these were also for sale along with the larger ones used as table centres.
The bears were very cute so here are some more bear pics...
We had a great band for the evening called Simply Soul.
And Ben once again entertained us with his 'Shooting Star' disco.
Thanks Ben - we really do appreciate you giving up your time for us every year.
So we all enjoyed a good evening of eating, drinking and dancing.
We have no idea what we were doing here...
And once again we had a great raffle with wonderful prizes - I can see whisky, wall shower, hair drier, flower arrangement, fruit basket, spa day and racing tickets in these pics - and that's just a small part of it!