We feel that it is important for our event attendees to see where their hard earned cash is going!
Over the course of the last few years we seem to have 'adopted' St Giles School as a cause we really enjoy raising money for.
- it is a local school and everyone knows about it
- lots of local people have links to it in one way or another
- we can see exactly where our fund raising goes
- the students and staff really appreciate our efforts
- it gives us chance to dress up, be silly and to blame it on everyone else saying - we're just doing this for the children...
In the past we have raised money for computer equipment and games which the students chose for themselves (see 2008) and we have raised money for furniture, seating and items for the sensory rooms and areas.
We also like to give the school either a photo book or pictures for display so that the students can see what we did to raise the money. These are always bright and colourful and the pupils can enjoy looking at the pictures.
As we had chance to go to the school to see the secondary department's adaptation of Robin Hood (a world premiere I believe - but more of that later!..) we asked if we could have a look at some of the rooms and gardens so that we could report back to our loyal charity event attendees and show you a little more about the school.
We also like to give the school either a photo book or pictures for display so that the students can see what we did to raise the money. These are always bright and colourful and the pupils can enjoy looking at the pictures.
There are several rooms and areas both inside and outside which have specialist equipment and items to stimulate all the senses for the students.
The multi sensory room has a very sophisticated system of specialist lighting. There are fibre optic strand lights which glow in different colours - and the students can touch and feel these as well as see them.
There are computerised lighting displays which can be projected onto the walls.
This all looks quite sterile and severe here in these pictures but when the main lights are dimmed and the strand lights are lit (shown all bunched together coming from the ceiling in the picture to the left) and reflected in the mirrors and the other lights are twinkling and rotating it is a completely different room.
There are lots of comfy bean bags and tents and seats with touchy-feely throws for the students to relax on and play with so that they are able to enjoy all the different sensations.
One of the other rooms is filled with soft play items which the pupils can climb over, into and round.
In this room there was also a soft play 'cave' which I couldn't photograph as there was a student inside who was having too much fun to want to come out!
Outside in the grounds of the main school an area of land has been developed into a sensory trail.
This is a spacious, lovely walk way with plenty of sounds, sights, tastes and smells provided by flowers, plants, wind chimes and musical instruments.
A covered arch way is being developed. When this is fully grown the arch will be covered in foliage which will create a dark tunnel which the students will be able to walk through before coming back out into the light.
There are musical instruments and sounds all along the pathway...
Some of them look a little unusual but they are all interactive and great fun! (Ask Julie - she tried them all!)
There is also a large covered area with seating where the pupils can sit and have lessons in the fine weather.
It is a very well thought out area which is tranquil and calm and we are pleased to tell you that your kind donations have been spent wisely and that we have been able to help with the costs for at least some of the items shown here.
So - back to Robin Hood!
This was a brand new musical written for schools which St Giles was asked to 'trial' for the publishers before it went to print. (I'm copying this from the programme!)
It was adapted by the school so that every class in the Secondary Department was involved - and every student had a role to play. They also added a few scenes of their own!!
It was amazing! AMAZING! Lots of audience participation clapping and cheering for the goodies and booing the baddies - and brilliant acting by the students who were obviously really enjoying themselves and having a great time!
A huge amount of time and effort had gone into the production and preparation of this show but it really was worthwhile so a big pat on the back to everyone involved in it!
And not just acting - a 'Prince John (gangnam) Style' pop video and the archery filming! All very impressive!! No wonder we enjoy fundraising for this school...
A lot of work also went into the props for the performance too - here are some of them...
All very cleverly done - loved the menu on Friar Tuck's Chip Wagon!
Thank you to everyone at St Giles for letting us come to watch your school production - you are all BRILLIANT!
And to all our charity event attendees - I hope that you all enjoyed this tiny insight into how we are able to help St Giles School in a very small way with our fund raising.
Thank you all for your generosity which makes it possible!
The multi sensory room has a very sophisticated system of specialist lighting. There are fibre optic strand lights which glow in different colours - and the students can touch and feel these as well as see them.
There are computerised lighting displays which can be projected onto the walls.
There are lots of comfy bean bags and tents and seats with touchy-feely throws for the students to relax on and play with so that they are able to enjoy all the different sensations.
One of the other rooms is filled with soft play items which the pupils can climb over, into and round.
In this room there was also a soft play 'cave' which I couldn't photograph as there was a student inside who was having too much fun to want to come out!
Outside in the grounds of the main school an area of land has been developed into a sensory trail.
A covered arch way is being developed. When this is fully grown the arch will be covered in foliage which will create a dark tunnel which the students will be able to walk through before coming back out into the light.
There are musical instruments and sounds all along the pathway...
Some of them look a little unusual but they are all interactive and great fun! (Ask Julie - she tried them all!)
There is a beautiful, tinkling water feature surrounded by bedding boxes which the students have filled with flowers and plants.
Lots of colourful seating and tables...
There is also a large covered area with seating where the pupils can sit and have lessons in the fine weather.
It is a very well thought out area which is tranquil and calm and we are pleased to tell you that your kind donations have been spent wisely and that we have been able to help with the costs for at least some of the items shown here.
This was a brand new musical written for schools which St Giles was asked to 'trial' for the publishers before it went to print. (I'm copying this from the programme!)
It was adapted by the school so that every class in the Secondary Department was involved - and every student had a role to play. They also added a few scenes of their own!!
It was amazing! AMAZING! Lots of audience participation clapping and cheering for the goodies and booing the baddies - and brilliant acting by the students who were obviously really enjoying themselves and having a great time!
A huge amount of time and effort had gone into the production and preparation of this show but it really was worthwhile so a big pat on the back to everyone involved in it!
And not just acting - a 'Prince John (gangnam) Style' pop video and the archery filming! All very impressive!! No wonder we enjoy fundraising for this school...
A lot of work also went into the props for the performance too - here are some of them...
All very cleverly done - loved the menu on Friar Tuck's Chip Wagon!
And to all our charity event attendees - I hope that you all enjoyed this tiny insight into how we are able to help St Giles School in a very small way with our fund raising.
Thank you all for your generosity which makes it possible!
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